Author: topsmodule

  • How To Create Dropdown Search Option for Contact Form 7

    Dropdown Search Option for Contact Form 7 is making your text select box field to automatically search option into section box. Features : Step : 1 Dropdown Search Option for Contact Form 7 Download here

  • How To Create ToolTips For Contact Form 7

    Contact Form 7 Tooltips is Extremely easy Configurable. Each Form Has Own Configuration. So, Each Contact Form 7 Tooltips Can be set Uniquely. You need Contact Form 7 installed. For using This plugin makes adding tooltips to your contact form 7 form helps to display a tooltip over one or more of your form […]

  • How To Create Signature Field With Contact Form 7

    Contact Form 7 Signature Addon is a free WordPress plugin. In this Digital World are some businesses a digital signature functionality is considered useful, especially when you want extra security. Multiple signature pads can be added to Contact Form 7 using the digital signature feature. You need Contact Form 7 installed. it make simple way […]

  • How To Create Telephone Input For Contact Form 7

    Telephone Input For Contact Form 7 making Country Telephone field to you contact form. Via this plugin You can be make your contact form 7 to more professional. This plugin helps you to add contact form 7 phone number field validation functionality and increase valid leads. You may create a country telephone drop-down list with […]

  • How To Hide Price And Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce

    Hide Price And Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce This Plugin is allow hide price and hide add to cart button. With using this plugin Hide price on shop page, product page, cart page, thankyou page and checkout page. Features : Step : 1 Hide Price And Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce Download here […]

  • How To Create Product Dropdown For Contact Form 7

    Product Dropdown For Contact Form 7 Making Product List Field to you contact form. This field creates a dropdown of current user’s product. Be sure that every product has selected category to get product. Features : Step : 1 Product Dropdown For Contact Form 7 Download here Step : 2 Open WooCommerce Product Field menu […]

  • How To Create Order Dropdown WooCommerce For Contact Form 7

    Order Dropdown WooCommerce For Contact Form 7 Making Order List Field to you conact form. This field creates a drop down of current user’s orders. Via this plugin You can be make your contact form 7 to more professional. For multiple order status need to put using | (bar).Example field: [woocommerce_order woocommerce_order-968 status:wc-processing|wc-on-hold]WooCommerce status are: […]

  • How To Create Color Picker For Contact Form 7

    Color Picker For Contact Form 7 making Color field to you contact form. You may create a color picker Field Contact Form 7. Enables adding a color field for Contact Form 7 WordPress Plugin. Features : Step : 1 Color Picker For Contact Form 7 Download here Step : 2 Open Color Picker Field menu […]

  • How To Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce

    Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce You can add quotes for WooCommerce products in shop page and product page. Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce setup cart for enquiry. Features : Step : 1 Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce Download here Step : 2 Save your quote on click Add To Quote button.

  • How To Show Message Popup For Contact Form 7

    Message Popup For Contact Form 7 to make the best way to set up popup on success and failed messages. After submitting form Open Popup in contact form 7. it can be made a success and failed popup message in contact form 7. Using this addon you can replace your validation and success messages into […]