How To Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce

Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce You can add quotes for WooCommerce products in shop page and product page. Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce setup cart for enquiry.

Features :

  • Easy use
  • Enabled/Disabled add quotes in shop page and product page
  • Customize add to quotes button text
  • Enabled/Disabled add to cart button
  • Remove prices for all products
  • Select quote icon
  • Change quote icon and background color
  • Customize button background, text color with font size
  • Customize quote sidebar header background color, border color/style and title color
  • Enabled/ Disabled add quotes sidebar in mobile view
  • Customize quote product list background color
  • Change product image width, border radius
  • Change form background and title color
  • Customize footer button text
  • Mobile friendly
  • Customize product title color, hover color, price color
  • Customize footer button title color, hover color, hover title color, hover background color

Step : 1

Make Cart to Quote for WooCommerce Download here

Step : 2

Save your quote on click Add To Quote button.






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